Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Aegisub 2.1.7


Changes in 2.1.7
* DirectSound audio player has been completely rewritten (again) - this should give much better stability of audio playback. Note that the old DirectSound player is still available, you can change to it in Options. If you're using Windows 7, the old one seems to be more reliable.

* PCM WAV audio provider actually works again, and with files of any size. (No more crashing with files bigger than 256 MB.)

* Tip of the Day has been removed.

* Loads of changes to FFmpegSource2 (FFMS2) giving better support for almost everything, making it more stable and so on.

* Lots of memory leaks have been fixed, Aegisub should use less memory now.

* Bug fixes in many file format readers and writers. Loading and saving subtitles to foreign formats should be more reliable now. Problems with frame-based/SMPTE timecode-based formats fixed.

* The Kanji Timer function has been almost completely rewritten, squashing all known bugs and giving a prettier GUI. The use is the same.

* OpenGL errors in the video display are no longer fatal. You will get an error message, and video won't open if Aegisub doesn't support your graphics card/driver, but it shouldn't crash. See below for a workaround if video doesn't work for you.

* Some additions to Karaoke Templater, you can now create loops with variable iteration counts (including infinite!) making a lot of effects more feasible.

* The "Local configuration" option was removed from Options. If you want a "portable" version of Aegisub (as it was intended for making) we now have a separate download package for that. It also actually works as advertised now. See the download page for details.

* An innumerable amount of other minor, cosmetic changes that just makes everyday use more convenient and smoother.

Aegisub 2.1.7 (Windows)

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