Monday, January 3, 2011

KeePass Password Safe 2.14


Changes from 2.13 to 2.14:

New Features:
* Added option to lock after some time of global user inactivity.
* Added option to lock when the remote control status changes.
* Auto-type on Unix-like systems: added special key code support (translation to X KeySyms) and support for {DELAY X} and {DELAY=X}.
* Added window activation support on Unix-like systems.
* Auto-type on Windows: added {VKEY X} special key code (sends virtual key X).
* Added support for importing DataVault 4.7 CSV files.
* Added support for importing Revelation 0.4 XML files.
* Added 'Auto-Type - Without Context' application policy to disable the 'Perform Auto-Type' command (Ctrl+V), but still leave global auto-type available.
* Added option to collapse newly-created recycle bin tree nodes.
* Added 'Size' column in the history list of the entry dialog.
* Added trigger action to remove custom toolbar buttons.
* Added kdbx:// URL scheme overrides (for Windows and Unix-like systems; disabled by default).
* Added KeePass.exe.config file to redirect old assemblies to the latest one, and explicitly declare .NET 4.0 runtime support.
* Added documentation for the '-pw-enc' command line parameter, the {PASSWORD_ENC} placeholder and URL overrides.
* Added workaround for ^/& .NET SendKeys issue.

Improvements / Changes:
* New locking timer (using a timeout instead of a countdown).
* Improved locking when the Windows session is being ended or switched.
* Improved multi-database locking.
* Separated the options for locking when the computer is locked and the computer is about to be suspended.
* {FIREFOX} placeholder: added support for registry-redirected 32-bit Firefox installations on 64-bit Windows systems.
* File transactions: the NTFS/EFS encryption flag is now also preserved when the containing directory isn't encrypted.
* The IPC channel name on Unix-like systems is now dependent on the current user and machine name.
* KeePass now selects the parent group after deleting a group.
* Entries are now marked as modified when mass-changing their colors or icons.
* Key states are now queried on interrupt level.
* A {DELAY=X} global delay now affects all characters of a keystroke sequence when TCATO is enabled, too.
* Improved dialog closing when exiting automatically.
* Plugin-provided entry list columns can now be right-aligned at KeePass startup already.
* Removed KDBX DOM code.
* Installer: the KeePass start menu shortcut is now created directly in the programs folder; the other shortcuts have been removed (use the Control Panel for uninstalling and the 'Help' menu in KeePass to access the help).
* Various code optimizations.
* Minor other improvements.

* Quotes in parameters for the 'Execute command line / URL' trigger action are now escaped correctly.
* Auto-type on Unix-like systems: window filters without wildcards now match correctly.

KeePass Password Safe 2.14

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